
ACIT 2018: ADVANCED COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 01.-03.06, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
An Easy-to-use, Scalable and Robust Messaging Solution for Smart Grid Research

Ferdinand von Tüllenburg, Jia Lei Du, Georg Panholzer Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Salzburg, AUSTRIA, email: {ferdinand.tuellenburg, jia.du, georg.panholzer}@salzburgresearch.at

Smart Grids are characterized by tight coupling and intertwining between the electrical system and information
and communication technology. Due to this, application layer messaging systems are regularly required for many Smart Grid applications. Especially in research messaging solutions are setup from scratch. In this paper we propose a generic and easy to setup message oriented middleware (MOM) solution providing robust and scalable messaging.



IEEE SEGE 2018, 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, 12-15.08.2018, Oshawa, Canada
Implementation of a Scalable and Robust Messaging Solution for Flexibility Trading

Ferdinand von Tüllenburg, Jia Lei Du, Georg Panholzer Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Salzburg, Austria {ferdinand.tuellenburg, jia.du, georg.panholzer}@salzburgresearch.at

Rafael Vidal – Technological Institute of Aeronautics – So Jos dos Campos, Brazil – rafael.vidal125@gmail.com

As Smart Grids highly depend on the information exchange between its components, messaging usually plays an important role. The messaging solutions used in Smart Grids are demanded to be scalable and robust. Scalable due to the usually large spatial extends and many communicating components, Robust due to the criticality of reliable information transfer for Smart Grid operation.

In context of a flexibility coordination paradigm, where controllable and decentralized power sources and loads are utilized for stable grid operation, this article focuses on the development and implementation of a suitable message-oriented middleware solution. Though, particularly designed towards the system architecture and functional requirements or the flexibility coordination use case, the envisaged messaging solution aims at being applicable to a broad variety of Smart Grid applications. Apart from describing the components of the messaging system, also an application programming interface for the messaging solution is introduced. This interface is provided to component implementors with special attention to ease-of-use. Finally, we provide some performance considerations and evaluations on the developed system.



15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2018)
26-29 June 2018, Lodz, Poland

Coordinated Congestion management across voltage levels using load flow sensitivities
Benjamin Müller (1), Michael Salzinger (1), Hendrik Lens (1), Rainer Enzenhöfer (2), Florian Gutekunst (2)
(1) University of Stuttgart, Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology, Power Generation and Automatic Control
(2) TransnetBW GmbH, Economic Grid Management, Products & Principles

These days, the improvement of coordination and communication between system operators and new methods for congestion management in electrical grids gain in importance. In this paper, a methodology is presented that uses linearized load flow sensitivities to determine technically and economically optimal congestion management measures. The approach benefits from both, performance and robustness of linear programming. It is shown that congestion management across different voltage levels and system operator boundaries yields improved results compared to today’s common isolated congestion management procedures. The proposed methodology is validated by means of a scenario based on CIGRE benchmark grids taking the development of renewable energies and flexibility into account. The results confirm that various congestion issues at all voltage levels are resolved in a social welfare optimal manner with high accuracy.

03-07 June, 2018, Limassol, Cyprus

Hardware-in-the-loop test bench for investigation of DER integration strategies within a multi-agent-based environment
Manswet Banka, Daniel Contreras, Krzysztof Rudion
University of Stuttgart

Concept and implementation of a test bench for investigation of new grid integration strategies of distributed energy resources (DER) is presented. It focuses on a multi-agent-based architecture of the system as analyzed within the Callia project. The goal of the project is to achieve an optimal control of the local flexibilities in order to avoid congestions within the grid. The presented test bench is based on the hardware-in-the-loop technology and includes a numeric realtime- capable model of the power grid and a decentralized multiagent platform hosted on external hardware units. Performed simulations are part of the preparation for the field tests to be carried out within the Callia project.

CIRED Workshop on “Microgrids and local energy communities”
08-09 June 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Poster Session:
Assessing the Flexibility Provision of Microgrids in MV Distribution Grids
Daniel Contreras, Ouafa Laribi, Manswet Banka, Krzysztof Rudion
University of Stuttgart

This paper provides a methodology to assess the amount of flexibility that lower voltage level grids can provide at the connection point to a higher voltage level grid considering operational characteristics of installed flexibility providing units (FPU), while taking grid constraints into account. A multi-level aggregation process is introduced, with the aim to reduce the computational resources required to aggregate flexibilities of large grids. The methodology is verified using test bench grid models, in order to show its effectivity. Results show that the implementation of a multi-level aggregation reduces the complexity of the problem, while providing accurate results.

20th Power Systems Computing Conference (PSCC)
11-15 June 2018, Dublin, Ireland

Improved Assessment of the Flexibility Range of Distribution Grids Using Linear Optimization
Daniel Contreras, Krzysztof Rudion
University of Stuttgart

Increasing use of flexible resources in electrical grids is forcing grid operators to intensify their cooperation to maintain grid stability. The contribution of this paper is the improvement of a method that allows the representation of the aggregated flexibility of distribution grids. The proposed model allows grid operators to show the status of their grid without needing to release sensitive grid data. To increase the precision of the model, linear models representing typical flexibility providers were developed. Then, an adaptation of the aggregation algorithm is introduced, based on linear optimization. The developed linear model has the objective to improve the computing time required by preceding nonlinear algorithms, while maintaining accuracy. The proposed model is validated using two real radial MV distribution grids in Germany. Results of the performed simulations show a considerable reduction of the required processing time, in grids with large amounts of flexible assets.
