Task 1.1: T 1.1 is the initial task of CALLIA and its definitions and results will influence the development of the project. The objectives of the task can be divided in two main sections, with the first being the definition of local balancing challenges and opportunities, and based on this the definition of new products, services and approaches related to intra-DSO and inter-DSO balancing and trading. The definition of the use cases to be researched within CALLIA are defined by the involved grid operators based on a selection of problems regarding the integration of DER in the distribution grids. It has been particularly challenging to integrate the various perspectives of involved parties stemming from the different roles and the different national set-ups. The Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) has been used as common language to derive a joint, integrated view. Four use cases will be further investigated. The ultimate use cases in each detail will get only clear once they are put into action in later stages of the CALLIA.
Simulation based analysis of the potential of local balancing and intra-DSO and inter-DSO exchange is currently ongoing.
Parts of distribution grids of the involved grid operators are modelled and these will allow the simulation of the use cases defined initially. To reduce computation times and optimize resources, ways to aggregate the information and parts of the grid are defined. The grid models will allow the grid operators to identify the best suitable sections of their distribution grids, to be used for the pilot field tests later in the project.
The results of Task 1.1 will work in parallel and very close to Task 1.2 (Business Cases) and Task 1.3 (Regulatory Frame), its outputs will serve as input for Task 2.1 (CALLIA architecture), Task 2.3 (Trading Information), Task 2.4 (device and platform agents), Task 2.5 (Market Platform), Task 3.1 (HiL simulations) and Task 3.2 (Preparation of Field Tests).
Task 1.2: Local balancing of an mV grid is investigated. The roles and responsibilities of each actor in the local balancing and trading value chain are elaborated. Flexibility products and balancing services on qualitative/descriptive multi-actor business models are mapped and corresponding quantitative business models to model monetary flows, penalties, incentives and constraints for each of the stakeholders and products/services are derived.
Extensions to existing multi-agent business models to situations where actors from other neighboring mV grids and even from hV grids participate at the local flexibility market are developed.
Task 1.3: The existing regulatory framework, with a particular focus on Austria, Belgium, Germany and Turkey is described and CALLIA-specific constraints are indicated.
Furthermore, CALLIA-specific constraints are indicated.